The most advanced and easy-to-use IMDG-IMO software 2024 (42)
Thoroughly constructed and designed to make the documentation of maritime transport of dangerous goods as easy as possible. It includes a large number of unique characteristics.
Characteristics of DGAssistant for creating an IMDG-IMO Declaration
Straightforward: Our exclusive technology SmartDGAssistantTM, automatically determines the information necessary for every situation, and only requests the required data. For example, upon selecting a dangerous good, only the modes of transport valid for that product are shown. It furthermore offers clarification of the meaning of data and will inform you if the document is incorrect, indicating the correct way to resolve the issue.
Quick: Define your shippers, consignees, carriers, products and wastes only once. Then, simply select them when making the shipment and the system does the rest.
Additional information for shipping companies: DGAssistant isn't just limited to IMDG code, as it includes support for additional imformation required by the majority of shipping companies. It permits complete approval code and interior packaging management, management of density to show the quantity of liquids in kg, and also management of EmS emergency cards against fires and spills.
Segregation Management: Includes management of segregation as defined in IMDG code, and also allows you to customize the segregation by group, class, and UN number for each product and waste.
Totaling up: In order to comply with the IMDG requirements, when a product appears in a declaration more than once, the system automatically includes an inventory with the total quantity.